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COVID preparedness

Hanson's involvement with ASHRAE standard-setting ensures clients receive the most timely assistance in readying their building(s) for the changing public health environment.  


pandemic proof article preview

Pandemic Proof?

Is it possible to 'pandemic proof' your HVAC? No, however, the first step for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems is preparing a building readiness plan.

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C-PACE Primer

Explore the basics of C-PACE financing, including information on repayment structure, term length and several of the financial highlights.



About CounterpointeSRE:
Counterpointe Sustainable Real Estate (CounterpointeSRE) is a leading commercial real estate finance provider specializing in sustainable infrastructure improvements through PACE financing. Counterpointe Energy Solutions together with its affiliates, including CounterpointeSRE, is engaged in implementing, funding, managing and administering PACE programs and is a program administrator in Chicago, California and Florida. 

About Hanson:
Hanson specializes in engineering, planning and a range of allied services. Headquartered in Springfield, Illinois., we’re a nationally recognized, award-winning consulting firm with offices across the United States. Since 1954, our clients have known us as a trusted partner, committed to their success and capable of handling challenging projects. From planning and design to construction and completion, we’ll take a hands-on approach to your project with a clear focus on your goals, budget and timeline. Working with both the public and private sectors, our clients include: aviation, DOT & Tollway, railway, municipalities, power generation and distribution, telecommunications, industry (Refining, Midstream, petrochemical, liquefied natural gas and other), energy-centric design services, federal and military agencies, healthcare facilities, education facilities, ports and harbors